Tag Archives: cement

Sump Pump French Drains Flood Basement

Sump Pump : Installing

If water continues to accumulate in your basement despite all your efforts at regrading and sealing your basement walls, installing a sump pump may be your inly option for resolving the problem . Permanently located in a pit that you dig beneath your basement floor, the sump pump automatically kicks in whenever enough water water accumulates in the pit to trigger the pump float. The water is then pumped out the basement through a pipe that runs through the rim joist of the house .

Because you will be digging well beneath the basement floor, make certain there is no sewer pipe or water supply in the digging area . Contact a plumber if you do not know for sure that the area is clear.

The purpose of a sump pump is to collect and eject water that accumulates beneath your basement floor ( usually due to a high water table ) before it can be drawn or forced up into the basement . The most effective sump installation have drain tile running around the entire perimeter of the house and channeling water to the pump pit. This system can be created as a retrofit job, but it is a major undertaking best left to a pro .

A submersible sump pump installed in a pit beneath a basement floor to [ump water out before it seeps up into the basement .

Install the pit liner after digging a hole for ti in the granular material under the floor . The hole should be a few inches wider than the liner . Remove the excavated material right away . Add gravel to the bottom of the hole as needed to bring the liner level with top of its rim at floor level.

Pack the liner in place by pouring 1/2 inch gravel around it. Add a 1 inch base of gravel and then mix concrete to patch the floor . Trowel the concrete around the rim with a float so the patch is level and smooth.

Prepare the sump sump installation . Thread a PVC adapter fitting onto the pump outlet , and then solvent glue a PVC stand pipe ti the adapter . the stand pipe should be long enough to extend about 1 foot past the liner rim rim liner rim when the pump is set on the bottom of the liner .

Attach a check valve to the top of the stand pipe to prevent the pump pit . Solvent weld another riser to fit into the top of the check valve and run upward to a point level with the rim joist, where the discharge tube will exit the basement .

Drill a hole in the rim joist for the discharge tube and finish routing drain pipe out through the rim joist.. Caulk around the tube on both the interior and exterior sides. On the exterior , attach an elbow fitting to the discharge tube and run drain pipe down from the elbow. Place a splash block beneath the drain pipe to direct water away from the house . Plug the pump in a GFCI-protected receptacle .

Things you may need also is to dry lock basement walls for leaks especially in July less of a water table. Regrade french drains and dirt outside dig trench ten feet away outside and dig a trash can size hole. Than place another receptacle with perforated holes and gravel place around , and let the water run off and away. 100 percent do the trick . Call topjobrestoration.com for any answers.

Water Proofing Sealing Prevent Moisture Foundation Wall Cracks

To repair a stable crack , chisel cut a keyhole cut that’s wider at the base than 1/2 inch deep . Clean out the crack with a wire brush.

To help seal against moisture ,fill the crack with expanding insulating foam, working from bottom to top.

Mix hydraulic cement according to the manufacturer ‘s instructions then trowel it into the crack , working

from the bottom to top. Apply cement in layers no more 1/4 inch thick , until the patch is slightly higher

than the surrounding area . Feather cement with the trowel until it’s even with the surface . Allow to dry


Water proof Paint
Masonry paints and sealers , especially those that are described as waterproof, are rather controversial products. Some manufacturers , claim that applying a coat of their waterproof paint will create a seal that can hold back moisture , even under light hydrostatic pressure. Other suggest only that their product , when applied to a basement wall, will create a skin that inhibits water penetration from the interior side.

Masonry paints do hold up better on concrete surfaces than other types, largely because they are higher in alkali and therefore less reactive with cement based materials . But they also can trap moisture in the concrete ,which will cause the paint to fail prematurely and can cause the concrete to degrade , especially
if the water freezes. Read the product label carefully before applying waterproofing paint to your basement walls, and make sure to follow the preparations protocols carefully . If you have a foundation wall with an active water seepage problem , address the problem with the other methods shown in this sections, including grading and gutters . A coat of waterproof paint is not to make your basement drier .

Clean your gutter and patch any holes. Make sure the gutters slope toward the downspouts extensions and splash blocks to keep roof runoff at least 8 feet away from the foundation.

Cover window well that will other wise allow water into basement Covering them with removable plastic is the easiest way to keep them dry. Covers on egress window wells must be easily removed from inside …
If you prefer to leave wells uncovered, add a gravel layer and a drain to the bottom of the well. Clean the well regularly to remove moisture heavy debris .

Things you need to fix concrete water proofing : trowel concrete mortar type S , or hydraulic cement for super water proof basement . Shovel and wheel barrel mix and water proper mixture . Concrete rake and concrete self level make easier for concrete to float cover the crack. Sand paper or heavy or epoxy if you did not properly level out and make smooth the concrete. Paint brush and caulk gun to brush in pattern the concrete to leave the pattern where concrete is much harder to break 30 years later .