Common Roof Problems Remediating

Tools & Materials

Tape measure, Wire brush , Aviation snips , Trowel , Flat pry bar, hammer, utility knife , caulk gun, tarp , roofing cement , roofing nails, Replacement flashing , Replacement shingles, plywood , double headed nails, rubber gasket bails ,lath strips, wood chisel , Zinc strip , Hacksaw blade , protective equipment .
If the leak is finding its way a finished ceiling , take steps to minimize damage until the leak can be repaired . As soon as possible , reduce the accumulation of water behind a ceiling by poking a small hole in the wallboard or plaster and draining the water.

Once you mark the source of a leak from inside, measure from that spot to a point that will be visible and identifiable from outside the house, such as a chimney, vent pipe , or the peak of the roof. Get up on the roof and use that measurement to locate leak.

If your roof is revelry damaged , the primary goal is to prevent additional damage until permanent repairs are made. Nail a sheet of plywood to the roof to serve emergency cover to keep out the wind and water. Tip : For temporary repairs , use double headed nails , which can be easily removed . Fill nail holes with roofing cement when the repair is complete.

How to make spot repairs ( New Roof Contractor too)
with roofing cement

To reattach a loose shingle , wipe down the felt paper and the underside of the shingle . Let each dry , then apply a liberal coat of roofing cement. Press the shingle down to seat in the bed of cement . Tip:Heat softens the roof’s surface , and cold makes it brittle. If needed, warm shingles slightly with a hair drew and less likely to crack.

Tack down buckled shingles by cleaning below the buckled area, filling the the area with roofing cement , then pressing the shingle into the cement. Patch cracks and splits in shingles with roofing cements.

Check the joints around flashing which are common places for roof leaks to occur. Seal any gaps by cleaning out and replacing any failed roofing cement.

Pull out damaged shingles starting with the uppermost shingle in the damaged area. Be careful not to damaged surrounding shingles that are still in good condition .

Remove old nails in and above the repair area using flat pry bar. Patch damaged felt paper with roofing cement.

Install tje replacement shingles , beginning with the lowest shingle in the repair area. Nail above the tab slots using 7/8 or 1 inch nails .

Install all but the top shingle with nails , then apply roofing cement to the underside of the top shingle, above the seal line.

Slip the last shingle into place , under the overlapping shingle . Lift the shingles immediately above the repair area, and nail the top replacement shingle.